These are a few of my favorite things...
>> Saturday, March 20, 2010
Stream of consciousness. How exactly does that work? Whenever I try to let my brain loose and just type what comes out, I wind up writing about something like my concern about the load of laundry sitting in the washer too long and getting *that* smell (you know the one.)
So yeah, there is a lot of purely useless stuff in this noggin' of mine, I'm not sure I should necessarily let it out. It's kinda like writing about some hot topic and then...."SQUIRREL!!" (Ten points if you get that)
So instead, I'm going to write about some of my favorite things. Like Beepa, and Beepa's birthday, and celebrating Beepa's birthday by going out to dinner and eating the lopsided two layer birthday cake the short people and I made for Beepa's birthday. And the upside down birthday cake Caden drew on the cake, and the stick figure of Beepa with the arrow pointing to it that Brandon drew (he wanted to make sure we didn't mistake the stick figure for someone else,) and Mia's design....a Chinese proverb maybe? I dunno.
Anyway, we love our Beepa.
And I can write about cupcakes, because there is always an occasion for cupcakes. We love homemade cupcakes with big swirlies of buttercream frosting, and we love squirting the extra frosting out of the frosting bag on to extended little tongues, the frosting so sweet it makes your tongue cramp. Green cupcakes are a St. Patrick's Day tradition, right? Meh, even if it isn't, we'll find another reason to make cupcakes. I think everyone should eat cupcakes, the world would be a happier place.
Another favorite thing (or person, as the case may be...) my five year old with a grubby face, a leprechaun hat, and a smiley stamp on his forehead (don't ask.) He's such a ham bone, this silly little monkey o'mine.
And oh, how we love our day trips. The Discovery Center and planetarium was the perfect place to feed our little sponge brains, especially our oldest's "IQ of 127 - take THAT autism!" brain. Planets and stars are "all the rage" (as my mother would say) in our house, and we can't dole out the information fast enough. There's nothing like being corrected by our nearly seven year old for mispronouncing the name of one of Neptune's moons.
And lest I forget, another favorite thing of mine is knowing there are three jammied little souls sleeping comfortably in their beds while I type this. A cup of Lee's strong freshly ground and brewed coffee next to me, and the peace and quiet the evening brings when Lee and I can just enjoy being a couple for an hour or two. As much as I love those little sleeping people, I love my selfish time with my husband too.
I hope everyone gets to eat a cupcake tomorrow and has sweet dreams tonight. Tomorrow brings the possibility of new adventures and favorite things.
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